Il y a davantage de photos de toi sur mon propre blog qu'il n'y en a sur le tien. Je demande comme une faveur, celle d'avoir la possibilité d'obtenir le nu où tu es accroupi, et que j'ai déjà publié plusieurs fois, sans surcharge, et dans la meilleure résolution possible. Mille mercis. See you soon.
Every image of you I stumble upon takes my breath away! I've just discovered your blog, and knowing you are british makes you even more desirable in my eyes! You are an incredible handsome lad, an absolute hunk: please thank your parents from me, will you? Just saw your 'suit&tie' session.. OMG! I hope to book you for an astonishing photoshoot soon, I have some great ideas! Keep up the good work, X Alexander
As a former personal trainer and fitness instructor I take pride in my body, and trying to look good and set an example for the benefits and promotion of fitness and a healthy lifestyle is a big part of my life.
I have been modelling professionally now for about five years and have taken part in a great number of assignments and events.
great pic, for sure!
Il y a davantage de photos de toi sur mon propre blog qu'il n'y en a sur le tien.
Je demande comme une faveur, celle d'avoir la possibilité d'obtenir le nu où tu es accroupi, et que j'ai déjà publié plusieurs fois, sans surcharge, et dans la meilleure résolution possible.
Mille mercis.
See you soon.
Exceptional in muscle power, lithe and good pose.
Fabulous image!
Every image of you I stumble upon
takes my breath away! I've just discovered
your blog, and knowing you are british
makes you even more desirable in my eyes!
You are an incredible handsome lad,
an absolute hunk: please thank your
parents from me, will you?
Just saw your 'suit&tie' session.. OMG!
I hope to book you for an astonishing photoshoot soon, I have some great ideas!
Keep up the good work, X Alexander
Me again: just wondering which
agency you prefer to work with, so
I can contact you through them!
Thanx, Alexander
nagyon szép blog!
awesome Hugh very good!!!!!! Hope you dont mind me saying but you are a very beautiful man. I want to put your blog on my fav list
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